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Accelerating Growth of a Payments Company

Partnership Timeframe
8 Years
Revenue Growth
Employee Growth
Multiple of Invested Capital

From Employee to CEO

In 1994, Rick Watkin started as one of the earliest employees of KUBRA, a company with origins in bill printing and delivery. By 2000, Rick assumed the role of CEO and led the transformation of KUBRA’s service offering into electronic billing and payment processing. In 2006, Rick saw that the market presented tremendous growth opportunities for KUBRA and was seeking an equity partner to help him grow.

Growth-centric Acquisitions

Rick and his fellow executive shareholders partnered with OG真人官网 to purchase shares from the founder of KUBRA. OG真人官网 worked closely with Rick and his team to support a couple of acquisitions, debt capital raises and a strengthening of the senior leadership team.

OG真人官网 was a valuable partner to KUBRA. They actively supported KUBRA’s growth and served as a great resource to the company.Rick Watkin, CEO

Becoming a Top Payment Company in North America

KUBRA grew to become one of the leading electronic bill presentment and payment companies in North America. In eight years KUBRA grew by over five times and was highly sought after in the market. In 2014 after numerous inbound solicitations, KUBRA was successfully sold, generating a return of 13.4x on invested capital. The management team realized a tremendous return on their capital. Rick joined the OG真人官网 Board of Directors in 2015.

Partnership Timeframe
8 Years
Revenue Growth